Thank you for your interest in Chadwick International. Our regular admissions application period for 2024-2025 academic year has closed. Admissions information for next school year, 2025-2026 will be available in mid October 2024.
If you are a foreign passport holder who has recently moved to Korea, please contact the Admissions Office for more information.
Feel free to contact us directly for assistance at
채드윅 국제학교에 관심을 가져주셔서 감사합니다. 2024-2025학년도 입학 전형은 마감 되었으며 다음 전형인 2025-2026 학년도 입학에 대한 안내는 10월 중순에 게시될 예정입니다. 한국으로 최근 이주한 외국국적 소지자의 학기중 입학은 입학처 이메일로 문의해주시기 바랍니다. 정원이 찬 학년의 경우에는 대기자로만 지원이 가능합니다.
Applications for the 2024-2025 School Year
Chadwick International is committed to selecting mission-fit students who will become passionate self-directed learners of the highest character. Students will be equipped with the tools and experiences they need to build enduring friendships around the world based on the shared values of Respect, Responsibility, Honesty, Fairness and Compassion. Chadwick International also values academic excellence, creativity and sustainability.
Qualified students from expatriate families residing in Korea will be considered a priority for admissions. When assessing your child’s application, the Admissions Office considers academic records, teacher recommendation forms, assessment test scores, and English proficiency. Given Chadwick's emphasis on our Core Values - Respect, Responsibility, Honesty, Fairness and Compassion - the student's character and integrity play a significant part in our decision-making. Other factors include age appropriate considerations of leadership, work ethic and commitment, and talent - both potential and demonstrated. We consider each student in the context of the total applicant pool. Each year, the Admissions Committees bring together a diverse group of new students, each of whom brings the ability and desire to thrive in our community - academically and personally.
Qualified candidates who have submitted complete applications will be assessed for each grade level. Students coming from schools with similar calendars as Chadwick International should apply to the subsequent grade level they have completed in that same school year (e.g. candidates completing Grade 5 in the United States in June 2024 should apply to Grade 6 for the 2024-2025 school year). Students coming from Korean schools must apply to the grade they will be starting within that same school year (e.g. candidates starting Grade 5 in Korean schools in the beginning of 2024 must apply to Grade 5 at Chadwick for the 2024-2025 school year.)
However, make sure you follow the Grade/Age Eligibility Chart for the 2024-2025 School Year below, particularly for applicants to Pre-K - Grade 1.
Grade/Age Eligibility Chart for the 2024-2025 School Year
Date of Birth | Grade Level |
Sept.1, 2019 - Aug. 31, 2020 | Pre-K |
Sept.1, 2018 - Aug. 31, 2019 | Kindergarten |
Sept.1, 2017 - Aug. 31, 2018 | Grade 1 |
Sept.1, 2016 - Aug. 31, 2017 | Grade 2 |
Sept.1, 2015 - Aug. 31, 2016 | Grade 3 |
Sept.1, 2014 - Aug. 31, 2015 | Grade 4 |
Sept.1, 2013 - Aug. 31, 2014 | Grade 5 |
Sept.1, 2012 - Aug. 31, 2013 | Grade 6 |
Sept.1, 2011 - Aug. 31, 2012 | Grade 7 |
Sept.1, 2010 - Aug. 31, 2011 | Grade 8 |
Sept.1, 2009 - Aug. 31, 2010 | Grade 9 |
Sept.1, 2008 - Aug. 31, 2009 | Grade 10 |
Sept.1, 2007 - Aug. 31, 2008 | Grade 11 |
Sept.1, 2006 - Aug. 31, 2007 | Grade 12 |
Application Steps
Steps 1 and 2 must be completed by the deadline of January 18, 2024, so that your application can be considered by the Admissions Committee.
- Step 1: Submit Online Application Form and Non-Refundable Application Fee
- Step 2: Submit Supplemental Documents
- Step 3: Admission Assessments and Interviews
- Step 4: Wait for Notification of Decision from Admissions Office
- Step 5: Formal Acceptance (complete enrollment process)