Village School 

Curriculum Website

Welcome to the Village School Curriculum Website

Dear Parents,

We welcome you to the Village School Curriculum Website. This website will provide you with access to parent workshops and resources to support your understanding of the Village School curriculum. 

In the Village School, the relationship and partnership between the school and home is of key importance to building a positive learning experience for your child.

Our goal is to organize ongoing parent workshops designed to be specific about the learning that is happening in your child's classrooms. We plan to organize workshops at the start of every Unit of Inquiry.  An outline of the overall Program of Inquiry (POI), which represents the Village School Curriculum outlined for the year, is linked here. 

The objectives of these workshops are:

Please click at the bottom for the link to the upcoming Parent Sessions. In addition, a variety of Professional Consultants also provide Parent Presentations, the link to their recordings can also be found below.

We will look forward to continued connections with you throughout the school year. 

Pam Castillo and Nancy Macharia (PYP Coordinators)


초등학교 교육과정 홈페이지에 방문하신것을 환영합니다. 이 사이트는 초등학교 교육과정 교육자료나 학부모님 대상 워크샵 일정을 안내받으실수 있습니다. 학무모님 워크샵의 큰 목적은 구체적으로 교실에서 일어나는 학습 내용을 부모님과 공유하여 초등학교의 프로그램 이해를 돕고 부모님과의 파트너쉽을 성장시키기 위함입니다. 더불어, 초청 강사의 강의안내도 이곳에서 안내해드리겠습니다. 

초등학교에서는, 우리 아이들에게 긍정적인 교육의 경험을 제공하기 위해서 가정과 학교의 협력이 핵심이 됩니다.  부모님과의 만남을 기대합니다.

Pam Castillo and Nancy Macharia 드림 (PYP 교육 코디네이터)

Meet Your Primary Years Program (PYP) Coordinators

Ms. Pam Castillo

Pam is originally from the Philippines. Initially, she dreamed of being a lawyer but immediately set this aside when she experienced working part-time in a Kindergarten. Pam first came to South Korea in 2005 and has remained in the country ever since, except for a two-year stint in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Although Pam has assumed a variety of roles in different schools, including being an International Baccalaureate Organization Primary Years Programme workshop leader,  she always loved working with the young children.   She believes that children are competent learners  and are capable of steering their path to learning through responsive relationships with and appropriate guidance from adults.   Also, experiential learning and application of skills to real-life situations have always been an integral part of her educational philosophy.  She sees herself continuing to advocate for the rights and welfare of children in small ways that she can. 

Ms. Nancy Macharia

My name is Nancy Macharia and I am originally from Kenya. I  worked in various schools in Kenya and in Johannesburg South Africa. Throughout my career, I have held various roles such as Head Teacher, Curriculum Developer, and other administrative roles.  I am part of the International Baccalaureate Education Network. I lead teacher workshops and participate in the accreditation and evaluation of International Baccaulereatte schools.  I am passionate about  collaborating and reflecting with other role-players as I continue to develop my understanding of the International Baccaulearette Primary Years Program.  I am a life-long learner  and I value the process of  teaching and learning .  I have been part of the Chadwick community for about 7 years. Each year presents me with unique experiences that enhances my professional development while I support the learning community. 

Ms. Charisse Patacsil is our Math Coach 

I am Charisse Patacsil, and I am from the Philippines. It has been a pleasure for my family and me to be part of Chadwick International and to live in Korea for 8 years now. Overall, I have been teaching for 16 years in an IB school.  For the past years, I have been curious about teaching and learning mathematics. The more I learn about it, the more I am convinced that mathematics is such a beautiful subject. I continue to be excited to share my love for mathematics with the Chadwick community this year.

Click Here to find out what math looks like in the Village School!

Click for Parent Sessions

Click the link above to find your child's specific grade and join an upcoming Zoom session with a Pam or Nancy.

위 링크를 클릭하여 자녀분의 학년을 찾아보신 후, Pam 선생님 또는 Nancy 선생님이 주도하는 Zoom 세션에 참여하시기 바랍니다.

Click for Guest Speaker sessions

Click the link above to learn from a variety of Village School  Consultants and other Chadwick School Leaders.

위 링크를 클릭하여 초등학교 교육 컨설턴트들과 Chadwick School의 지도자들의 연수를 살펴보시기 바랍니다.