Nature’s educational ambassadors
Chadwick International draws an ongoing waitlist of the very best Outdoor Education instructors from around the world. Each is handpicked, highly experienced and wildly passionate about sharing nature’s most valuable lessons with young Chadwick students.
The outdoors act as a vibrant classroom for experiential learning. Course instructors must strike the delicate balance between challenging and supporting students as they navigate new physical, social and emotional terrain. They encourage students to set their own goals and take responsible risks while carefully assessing every situation to maximize learning, connection and personal growth. These positive, transformative experiences leave Chadwick students with a new view of what’s possible for themselves, their environment and the world.
All field staff are required to hold wilderness medical certifications (including CPR), and often hold specialized technical certifications in paddling, backpacking, and rock climbing.
Chadwick’s Outdoor Ed staff: Experienced. Passionate. Professional.
Ryan Lofgren, Outdoor Education Program Director
Ryan Lofgren is Chadwick International’s Outdoor Education Program Director. He joins Chadwick from California where he served as executive director and trip leader for The Wild Traveler. In this role, he was responsible for designing and implementing adventure travel programs for teenagers and school groups.
Previously, Lofgren worked at Naturalists at Large, an outdoor education company in California, for 12 years. He led more than 150 school trips in the field and designed and coordinated hundreds of more trips from the office. In addition, he served as an instructor and course director for school trips with an outdoor education company in Southeast Asia.
Lofgren is not new to Chadwick; he has served as an instructor for Chadwick’s OE trips for the past three years. He is excited to apply his fifteen years of experience in outdoor education and adventure travel program management to this new opportunity. Ryan received his Bachelor of Arts in environmental education from Western Washington University.
Hyewon Park, Logistics Manager
Hyewon Park has served as Chadwick International’s Outdoor Education Logistics Manager since 2023. Park graduated from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies and embarked on a journey that led her to discover her passion for outdoor activities. What began as a hobby soon transformed into a deep-seated interest in the positive experiences that Outdoor Education can offer students. As Park continues exploring the world of Outdoor Education, her goal remains clear: to contribute to creating a robust and impactful Outdoor Education Program that equips students with valuable skills, fosters personal development and nurtures a deep appreciation for nature.
Jiho Lee, Program Development Coordinator
JiHo Lee joined Chadwick International’s Outdoor Education Program in 2017 with over 20 years of professional outdoor experience in Korea. Lee graduated from Seoul National University before becoming a passionate pioneer for outdoor education. His work through Outward Bound Korea and other alpine, paddling, scuba diving and climbing organizations throughout the peninsula has reinforced his belief in the power of experiential education. Lee is deeply interested in using outdoor education to enhance our understanding of the self and society. He is also a novelist and published journalist who has authored works about the outdoors, adventure and the chronicles of outdoor education in Korea.
Please click the button below if you are interested in applying for the Outdoor Education instructor.