Instrumental Music Program
Chadwick’s Instrumental Music Program helps Upper School students become seasoned musicians. Through individualized lessons conducted once a week in English by a Chadwick teacher or outside instructor, students sharpen their skills in an instrument of their choice. As they hone their artistry, they build self-confidence and a deep appreciation for music.
Lessons are aligned with Chadwick’s educational goals. Participating students will have the opportunity to perform in one recital per semester and can choose to study from the list of instruments below.
Korean Scholastic Credentials Recognition (KSCR)
The Korean Scholastic Credential Recognition (KSCR) program gives Upper School students a chance to enhance their Korean studies (language and literature) within the school day and Korean social studies courses in an after-school program. These courses help students prepare for Korean college admission while developing a strong sense of cultural identity. The program also promotes a deeper understanding of the IB (International Baccalaureate) program which emphasizes “mother tongue” language education. Through the KSCR, Korean students at Chadwick are not required to take the Korean GED test — a prerequisite for Korean university admissions.