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STEM at Chadwick immerses students in exciting and experiential learning that prepares them for success out in the real world.

Unique and engaging student-centered programs

Chadwick International Community Program

Chadwick International Community Program (CICP) offers a wealth of unique and engaging student-centered programs after school and on weekends. These programs expand the learning experience and can include fun activities like swimming, soccer, ice hockey, indoor rock climbing, taekwondo, yoga, fencing, creative clay and more!

For several hours, students delve deeper into their passions with targeted activity and education. Programs are managed by teachers who share a passion for each topic, giving students a chance to build even deeper bonds with their mentors. 

  • Options are based on teacher expertise and availability. 

  • We encourage parents to suggest program topics and we will do our best to curate teachers to facilitate. 

  • While most programs cater to Village School students, some are offered to Middle School students as well.


of Village School students participate in CICP


programs are offered each trimester


programs per day are available (Sunday through Friday)

Instrumental Music Program

The Instrumental Music Program (IMP) at Chadwick gives Village School students the chance to play a musical instrument. Students learn from Chadwick teachers or outside instructors aligned with program goals. With over 20 options available, students get to choose their instrument of interest. As early as Pre-K, students learn to be disciplined in their practice, to exercise creative expression and to appreciate different types of music. 

After-School Programs