Harnessing curiosity
Chadwick International’s philosophy of whole child education means that learning focuses on both academics and personal growth. Village School teachers care deeply and take the time to know each child. They thoughtfully infuse Chadwick’s Core Values of Respect, Responsibility, Honesty, Fairness and Compassion into every aspect of their course content, which builds character and helps children form meaningful friendships.
Take a look inside a Village School classroom...
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Our goal is to harness their innate curiosity and eagerness to learn.
Village School Teacher
Active experiential learning
Instead of memorizing facts, Chadwick students learn by doing. Asking questions is encouraged and emphasis is placed on the discovery process of finding answers. Students observe, interact, research, reflect and form their own conclusions. By consistently asking “why” and “how,” they become critical thinkers. They also learn to confidently share their perspectives and justify their opinions with reasoning and evidence.
Laying the groundwork for greatness
In the Early Years Program, every school day is an adventure with new worlds waiting to be discovered. Learning is largely based on play, which encourages students to try new things, develop strengths and have fun. They begin to see education as a source of joy and fulfillment. Teachers take great care to build student trust and self-confidence. Language skills are established and students build a foundation for effective communication.
Village School students are supported with all the tools needed to leverage this critical stage of their development and prepare them for more challenging academic work to come in the Middle and Upper Schools. Alongside units of inquiry combining reading and writing, science, math, history and physical education, programs like global citizenship, outdoor education, athletics, community service, as well as visual and performing arts provide a highly versatile learning experience. As a result, Chadwick students are academically prepared, well-rounded and globally-minded. It’s the groundwork for lifelong learning.
Celebrations of Learning
These are moments for students to share their learning journey. It is an opportunity for the community to observe and engage with students while they demonstrate the skills and attitudes developed over time. Through these interactions, the community builds a better understanding of how learning takes place.
Project Time
Sparked by their curiosity and passion, students design projects independently. Teachers guide students through the process of exploration.
Student-led conference
The students lead their parents through the documentation of their learning. Their journals, tasks, and projects become conversation pieces to show and celebrate their learning.
Student Initiatives
Students develop leadership by leading activities.
Students speak in public about climate change in order to make the community a better place.
Learning Through Language
The ability to learn and communicate through a range of languages is the mark of an international education. While we value and celebrate all the languages our students speak, English is the one we use to teach, learn and communicate. It is the common thread that connects our diverse community of cultures.
In alignment with Chadwick’s mission to develop globally-minded citizens, the ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages) program provides focused language acquisition support based on each student’s needs. Immersing Village School students in our target language fosters inclusion, improves proficiency and yields the confidence to communicate on a global level.
Students access the core curriculum in mainstream classrooms with individualized support that includes assessing language proficiency, collaborative planning of coursework and instructional methods across subjects, focused language goals, one-on-one teaching and small group work. Learning these critical language skills early builds confidence, social skills and a deeper connection to the global community.